Tischlerei Thiede
Veltener Str. 83A
16727 Oberkrämer OT Bötzow
Phone +49 3304 3957-0
FAX +49 3304 3957-18
www: tischlerei-thiede.de
The company stands in the family tradition of the carpentry workshop founded in 1909 in Berlin by the grandfather.
Special know-how acquired over the years in the handling of wood and wood materials in the interior finishing of rail vehicles led to partially protected innovative joining and joining technologies, which represent an outstanding quality standard in the industry. The team of the carpenter’s workshop Thiede manufactures beyond that professionally and properly after individual customer’s requests and covers thereby the entire width of the possible carpenter’s work.
Our company works according to the quality management system DIN EN ISO 9002.
- high-quality interior fittings for rail vehicles
- individual production of single and built-in furniture
- interior fittings, specific store fitting
- distribution and assembly of windows and doors (especially wood-aluminium)
- organ case construction, church furniture construction
- other joinery work