
Project Int.Rail.Trent Extension
The internationalisation activities continue
‘Programme for Internationalisation – Network Funding’ of the State of Berlin
Involved: KNRBB and railway-related SMEs (primarily from Berlin)
Period: October 2023 – November 2025
We are grateful for the financial support of the ‘Programme for Internationalisation’ of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises as well as ERDF funds, as this will enable the KNRBB to continue the ideas for supporting and accompanying cooperation processes for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in rail transport technology (SVT) from October 2023 to November 2025.
The project ‘Int.Rail.Trent KNRBB-Networking: international transformation and development’ focuses in particular on promoting innovation processes and strengthening the international competitiveness of the participating companies. Targeted networking events and workshops are intended to open up new markets and strengthen existing partnerships.
Collaboration with potential new partners, the existing network and all interested parties in the multifaceted rail transport industry will once again be our incentive.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

The lights come back on in the historic S-Bahn in Klein Glien
A historic S-Bahn carriage has been standing in Klein Glien/Bad Belzig since 2021. Now the conversion and extension work is finally underway to transform it into a co-working and event venue. Following a public tender, Smart Village e.V. has commissioned the Kompetenznetz Rail Berlin-Brandenburg (KNRBB) to completely overhaul the carriage. As an internationally active network in the field of rail transport technology, we have extensive experience in the conversion of rail vehicles. We have already successfully implemented various passenger coach projects as well as the conversion of freight wagons into car transport wagons (Blauer Autozug Sylt).
Now it’s the turn of this S-Bahn carriage. Many different trades have to become active. The KNRBB is coordinating various partners from its existing network as well as companies from the region. Sanding and painting work has to be carried out, the electrics installed, dismantled, refurbished and reassembled. Creative solutions are often necessary to achieve the goal of creating a functional place to work, network and hold meetings by the end of 2024.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88
Press release:

Project Int.Rail.Trent
Kompetenznetz Rail continues its internationalization activities
“Program for Internationalization – Network Funding” of the State of Berlin.
Participants: KNRBB and rail-related SMEs (primarily from Berlin)
Period: October 2023 – November 2024
Thanks to financial support from the “Programme for Internationalization” of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises and ERDF funds, the KNRBB will be able to continue its activities and events to initiate and support cooperation processes for SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the rail transport technology (SVT) sector from October 2023 to November 2024.
The project “Int.Rail.Trent KNRBB-Networking: international transformation and development” faces the challenges of integrating the innovation potential and synergy effects of the networked international SMEs into the potential cooperation relationships.
We look forward to future collaboration with potential partners and the existing network, as well as all interested parties in the diverse rail transport sector.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

Project Int.Rail.Digital
(KNRBB networking project for internationalization in the field of rail transport technology)
“Program for Internationalization – Network Funding” of the State of Berlin.
Participants: KNRBB and rail-related SMEs (primarily from Berlin)
Period: May 2021 – Sep 2023
Thanks to financial support within the framework of the “Program for Internationalization” of the Berlin Senate Department for Economic Affairs, Energy and Enterprises and ERDF funds, the KNRBB can continue its activities and events for internationalization in the field of rail transport technology in the period from May 2021 to September 2023.
With the approved funding project Int.Rail.Digital, the challenges of digitalization in international networking can be better addressed. However, in addition to digital or hybrid event formats for initiating and supporting national and international cooperation processes, analog options will continue to play an important role at network meetings.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

Project management for the production of transport unit TP4 for RDC Autozug Sylt
Customer: RDC Autozug Sylt GmbH
Period: 2018 – 2023
In October 2018, RDC AUTOZUG Sylt GmbH commissioned KNRBB GmbH with the project management for the expansion and optimization of the blue AUTOZUG Sylt fleet by 42 vehicles. New four-axle freight cars of type Snps 475 and 2 pieces of four-axle freight cars of type Rens 300, which are otherwise used as freight cars for the transport of heavy products, are the basis of the fleet expansion. Both single-deck freight car types have a vehicle length (over buffers) of 19.9 m, are approved for a maximum speed of 100 km/h and can carry loads up to 65 tons. When converting the freight cars, the requirements for car transports over the Hindenburg Dam had to be taken into account, based on the conditions for passenger transport and the infrastructural conditions. In concrete terms, this meant achieving the emergency brake for every vehicle driver, rescue and escape routes, and the installation of fire extinguishers.
There are three different types of construction:
1. Loading and unloading wagon, which was designed for side loading and unloading and transportation of motor vehicles,
2. Intermediate wagon, which is designed for the transport of motor vehicles with side wind protection and
3. Ramp wagon, which enables the use of the upper loading ramp at the railroad stations.
The project was implemented with an engineering office, two KNRBB network partners and two local entrepreneurs from Niebüll. KNRBB GmbH coordinates all parties involved in the project, starting with the design, through the production of the various components and modules, to the final assembly. KNRBB GmbH also took over the coordination of the process for the commissioning approval by the Federal Railway Authority.
After 8 months of intensive project work and completion of the first wagons, the commissioning approval was granted by the EBA at the end of June 2019 and the first vehicles are already in use.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

Project Int.Rail.Net
(KNRBB networking project for internationalization in the field of rail transport technology)
“Program for Internationalization – Network Funding” of the State of Berlin.
Participants: KNRBB and rail-related SMEs (primarily from Berlin)
Period: 2016 – 2020
The state of Berlin uses state and EU funds to support KNRBB GmbH in initiating cooperation with international networks in the field of rail transport technology. The objective of the KNRBB network is to initiate and accompany nationwide and cross-border cooperation processes from within the network together with German and international partners.
Within the framework of the project, not only have numerous events been held with international partners, but in the meantime about 30% of the KNRBB network partners already come from other European countries.

Get in touch
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

Network project Innolok 3.0
Lead partner: Innolok 3.0 GbR (founded in 2018)
Funding program: GRW – Network Funding of the State of Brandenburg
Purpose: Establishment of a cooperation network that creates networking, communication and information structures for the development of strategic, organizational and technical foundations for the modernization of used shunting locomotives and the initiation of further innovative sub-projects.
- Innovation trough NETWORKING – We offer a networking, communication and information structure for your ideas and projects.
- Potential in proven technology – We develop the strategic, organizational and technical basis for modernizing used shunting locomotives.
- Innovative drive technology – We also initiate further innovative sub-projects for used rolling stock.
GbR-partners and start-up network partners: KNRBB GmbH, CYBERTEC PostgeSQL International GmbH, Havel metal foam GmbH
Network partner state by 11.11.2020: Technische Hochschule Brandenburg, ime Elektrotechnik GmbH, umetec GmbH, MBQ-Qualitätssicherungs-GmbH, CE cideon engineering GmbH & Co. KG, Finanzierungsvermittlung Hoffmann, Rainer Lemoine Institut gGmbH, LEAG Lausitzer Bergbau AG, Servicerail GmbH

Get in touch:
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88

Study “Alternative drive systems on cross-border rail links between Germany and Poland and vehicle availability in cross-border regional rail traffic“
Customer: VBB Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH
Financing: Projekt Interreg V B CONNECT2CE “Improved rail Connections and smart mobility in Central Europe”
Contractor: KNRBB GmbH
Duration: Oktober – Dezember 2018 (Part 1), August 2019 – Februar 2020 (Part 2)
The study provided answers to the following key questions:
- Which railcars or railcar concepts can be used for regional passenger rail transport between Germany and Poland in the coming years?
- Which alternative drive systems can be used on cross-border rail links between Germany and Poland?
- How can the vehicle industry be involved in activities to sustainably improve cross-border rail passenger transport
- In addition to vehicle availability, what problems need to be solved to enable attractive cross-border rail passenger transport services?
- Does a German-Polish vehicle pool represent a solution approach for ensuring the availability of vehicles in cross-border rail transport?

Get in touch:
Ralf Meinsen, Manager
+49 (0)3381 / 80 40 24 10
+49 (0) 170 785 11 88